Prodotti principali: Custodie per lenti a contatto/custodie per occhiali/custodie per lenti a contatto/custodie per occhiali/accessori per occhiali, custodia per occhiali
Danyang chanxin glasses cases factory was founded in 2010,which is specilized in Designing,manufacturing and selling contact lens accessories. Factory can produce 20 million contact lens case and 3 million contact lens kits case .in the base of principle of "quality cast On us, integrity achieve future",we continue to improve the production Quality and customer satisfaction. For that, we were continous to complete The management, and applied for fda(510k) actively. We got certification Of fda class ii medical devices in the end of 2016.
HOT Products
contact lens case
contact lens kit case
optical case
Lovely Eyes Contact Lens Container Box Colorful Contact Lens Case